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Further information on climate positive projects around our area and tips for cutting our carbon emissions...

The Green Pledge Project at Gloucestershire Archives
Scan of a report about the 1766 Wotton food riots. (ref. D2930-1) Did you know that in 1766, several poor harvests and soaring food...

The Potential for Regenerative Land Use in Stroud District - Nov 24
Hear from Rebecca Charley, Stroud District Council’s Strategic Lead for Nature Recovery and Biodiversity. With over 20 years of...

Wild Beavers in Gloucestershire?
Over the past 12 months, Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust has been running a joint study with Forestry England to determine the feasibility of

British Bats - a virtual guided safari
Bats make up a quarter of all British mammals, with 18 bat species resident in the UK. Our bats: like the dark eat insects have complex...

Wotton Wildlife Watch
It may not be generally known, that there is an additional sub group to Wotton Area CAN. The group was started about 18 months ago and is...

Glorious Cotswold Grasslands project
One of the remarkable and most cherished things about our town are our fabulous grasslands, which support many wildflowers, insects and...

Wotton Area CAN & St. Mary's EcoChurch
They always say getting started is the hardest part, so it was a stroke of good timing (and a bit of good old Wotton networking) that...

Planting Wild Flower Seeds
Where should I plant them? Wildflower seeds are best planted in well drained, nutrient poor soils in a sunny location. Heavier clay...

How to make a wildlife pond
Creating a wildlife pond couldn’t be simpler and doesn’t require a garden or need to be an expensive project, so long as you have some...

Regenerative Agriculture - Oct 23
A talk about regenerative agriculture and the ways that our food production can be more sustainable. Increasing biodiversity, topsoil...
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