It may not be generally known, that there is an additional sub group to Wotton Area CAN. The group was started about 18 months ago and is for children aged 5 -12 and their families. It is also affiliated to Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust.
We meet every two months, using various venues - in the spring through to the autumn we are based at 100 Acer Wood in Coombe.
There is a different theme in nature each time, including a craft activity and a nature game. We encourage the children’s adults to take part too which makes the sessions (2 hours long each time) an enjoyable family event.
All the primary schools around Wotton are sent information about upcoming sessions, which should be going into their newsletters to be sent home. Also look out for colourful posters around and about a few weeks before the event.
The sessions need to be booked through wottonwatch@gmail.com. The aim is to involve everyone in nature connectedness and encourage interest in the wildlife world around us.